Greetings everyone! We are "hunkering down" on a massive scale due to COVID-19. It is not showing any signs of abating at this point, so we will be following the advice from the CDC and the Trump administration for the time being regarding group size, social distancing, and narrowing the social circle. As the number of positive cases increase in Missouri, including counties bordering Dekalb Countty, it will only be a matter of time before we have confirmed cases among friends and family. Please follow all the necessary precautions in order to avoid the virus, especially the "do not touch your face" rule. This is apparently the primary way the virus gets to your system, through touch. Not the only way, but the primary one. With that said, ministry goes on. And more than that, we are exploring more opportunities for ministry. We are consistently learning new ways of doing things online, including worship services, Bible study, prayer, and discipleship. Here are a few things that are taking place:
BONUS: One of the casualties of COVID-19 was the Ligonier Conference in Orlando, FL. But the good news is, the conference organizers posted all the conference content in one 8 1/2 hour video available on YouTube here. The conference theme is "Made in the Image of God." Excellent material, highly recommended. Grace and peace to you from the Lord Jesus Christ who has fully paid for all our sins, Pastor Greg
Dear Church Family,
AuthorPastor Greg Dixon Archives
March 2024
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