Greetings, Church Family and Friends!
A big thank you to Walt Thomack for supplying the pulpit for me last Sunday. My family and I were able to attend the 75th Anniversary and Closing Service of Spring Valley Baptist Church in Raytown, a church I served on staff at shortly after Lorrie and I were married. It was a bittersweet celebration, but a celebration nonetheless, as around 500 folks gathered for worship in a sanctuary whose attendance has been averaging fewer than fifty for some time. As I mentioned last week in the update, the church voted to turn its property over to Lenexa Baptist Church to do a church replant coming in January. Please join me in praying for this dear congregation as it walks through this transition to a new day of ministry under new leadership. This update is tardy because I participated in the Agros Fellowship Annual Conference today in Atchison as one of the speakers. This is an outstanding (free) small conference geared toward small town and rural churches. I encourage you to put this conference on your calendar for next year, normally on the first Sunday of November. You will be blessed. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS: Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour before going to bed. But if you don't, the worst thing that will happen is you arrive one hour early for Sunday School or worship service:) THE LORD'S DAY (11/5):
MONDAY (11/6)
ICYMI: Last Sunday's sermon audio Luke 1 Who Is John the Baptist? Other previous messages are archived here . Please visit our YouTube Channel to see the edited service video. FIGHTER VERSE: Our Fighter Verse this week is John 5:39-40 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life. READ THROUGH THE BIBLE The Five-Day Bible Reading Plan is attached to this e-mail for your convenience. You may want to access additional resources to support your reading available at this website. See you in church! Grace & Peace, Pastor Greg
AuthorPastor Greg Dixon Archives
March 2024
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